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How Frequently Should I Service My Gas Furnace?

If you’ve ever considered scheduling a gas furnace tune-up for your New Haven County home, you may have a lot of questions about how many times a year you need to have an experienced HVAC technician come to look at your home’s heating. Is once a year enough? Should you consider more? Is it necessary to call a specialist out at all if all they do is clean out the dust in the system and leave?

It’s always a good idea to have your home’s gas furnace maintained by a professional at least once a year, but you shouldn’t need to do it more than twice. Calling a specialist out for maintenance like this is invaluable to you as a homeowner for various reasons. 

Here are the primary benefits of having an HVAC specialist perform maintenance on your gas furnace at least once a year:

A Clean Filter

Providing a clean filter may seem like a basic service, but it can have a massive impact on your furnace’s ability to heat your home safely. Filters in the furnace help control the prevalence of dangerous chemicals in the house and can keep debris from causing severe damage to your ventilation.

Address Future Problems

You might be able to handle changing the filter on your furnace without the help of a specialist, but it’s far harder to inspect your furnace and heating system for signs of problems that might arise down the line.

An experienced HVAC specialist can look at your furnace’s wiring, ventilation system, and other vital components for damage or signs of wear that might cause the heating system to die unexpectedly. Even if the issues aren’t going to cause the HVAC system to stop working, a specialist can address problems that can shorten the furnace’s lifespan, which can save you the cost and headache of replacing it many years before it needs to be.

A More Efficient System

Every homeowner knows the pain of paying hefty bills to utility companies in the summer and winter when you need to run the heat and air conditioning more often. However, you might be able to mitigate some of the heating costs in the wintertime with the help of a technician who can help your system run efficiently.

To find out more about the benefits of gas furnace maintenance for your New Haven County residence, or speak with one of our experts, call the Air Specialties team today!

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