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Why You Should Still Consider Changing Your Air Filter

Summer heat makes most people all too aware of the value of their air conditioning units. There are plenty of companies that start promoting AC tune-up services as far north as Milford, CT, during mid to late spring precisely because HVAC systems see so much usage during the summer. However, if you haven’t performed maintenance like changing your air filter, you should consider making an appointment as soon as possible.

Air filter replacements are the kind of basic maintenance that often gets overlooked when caring for your air conditioning system. You may assume that, because it’s such a small item on your to-do list, it isn’t a priority. However, failure to perform the kind of rudimentary care that includes air filter replacement can lead to big problems that you probably don’t want to deal with while temps are around 100 degrees.

Here are the reasons you should change your air filter as soon as possible:

It Can Increase Your AC’s Efficiency

A dirty air filter reduces the ability of your air conditioning to cool your home effectively. This is because the fibers of the filter trap dust, hair, and other debris that enters your system. Eventually, the debris becomes so tightly packed that the air conditioning system can’t push air through it.

Changing your air filter now can help keep your HVAC system running at peak efficiency through the hottest days of summer.

A New Filter Decreases the Risk of HVAC Breakdown

When your air filter isn’t clean, and it begins to collect the debris from your home, the blower fan of your HVAC system – along with all of its supporting components – will have to work harder to cool your home. Since the cold air isn’t reaching the room, the temperature sensors that control when your air conditioning unit needs to run won’t tell the system to power down, which adds wear and tear to the machine.

In addition to the issue of your system working too hard, you’ll also face air pooling around the blockages. While pockets of cold or hot air might not seem like a big deal, if left alone for too long, it can lead to the system freezing up or overheating in that section.

Luckily, it’s easily avoided with minor maintenance.

It Increases Indoor Air Quality

A new air filter helps remove a variety of allergens, fungi spores, and bacteria from your home’s air supply. This leads to more enjoyment and relaxation through being home.

However, if you put off changing your filter until your family gets sick, you’re taking a pretty big gamble. While allergens and dust might be irritating, a dirty air filter can serve as a petri dish where mold and bacteria can grow. Remember the pools of cold air that can be created? They come with condensation, which mixes with the debris in the filter itself and creates a perfect environment for dangerous disease to grow and eventually spread throughout your home. If you want to know more about the vital role your air filter plays in your air conditioning system, or are interested in air conditioning installation services serving New Haven County, give the Air Specialties team a call today!

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